Take Control of Your Schedule

Ever wish there were more hours in a day? Ever look at your calendar and wonder how you’ll accomplish it all? It’s an overwhelming feeling, and I don’t like to feel overwhelmed. So I decided to take control of my schedule. I took some time on a Saturday morning to relax and decide what my priorities are. It was time to start being intentional about my time. I made a list of what I needed or wanted to do daily in every area of my life. 

As you can imagine it was a long list. I began to edit it and start to fit each activity into a time slot. I had to really think about what I wanted to achieve each day. I started to feel excited about the possibility of creating a schedule that included both personal and professional activities. Things like waking up early, eating breakfast and reading a devotional, working on my business (and not in it), exercising, taking time to be with my family. There isn’t enough time each day to do all I want to do, so I had to decide what was important to me. That’s what I focused on and that’s what I built my schedule around.  This resulted in a list of things that were important for my growth, health, and my relationships. 

Being intentional makes a difference. Spending my time doing things that matter to me makes me feel more accomplished and more satisfied with my life. Every decision I make is made with my priorities in mind. I say no to anything that’s not aligned with my priorities. So when things don’t go according to plan, I at least know that I’ve accomplished what matters most, and that gives some peace. 

Feeling overwhelmed is a much less frequent feeling now. Scheduling priorities allows me to stay focused. My days are filled with intentional activities that help me stay attentive and achieve balance, at a slower pace, with a lot of joy.