When Should I Hire Help?

Your business is growing, you’re working every minute you can, and you are doing everything. You know you need to hire help, but the thought of going through the hiring process and training someone seems daunting, time consuming, and more work than you can handle. But what is the alternative? Keep going at the same pace?

Schedule some time to work on your business and determine what tasks should be and can be delegated. Hiring a contractor may be a great way to start. Some benefits to hiring a contractor:

1.       You don’t have to pay employee taxes (because they are an independent contractor not an employee).

2.       You don’t have to supply equipment, computers, phones, etc.

3.       You don’t have to offer benefits, such as vacation time, retirement plans, etc.

4.       Contractors have a skill set that will save you time training.

5.       Contractors can be flexible. Negotiate a small amount of time as a trial period, and if all goes well, you can increase your time and delegate more tasks.

There is a lot to consider when hiring, whether it be an employee or an independent contractor. The hiring process should take some time. You want to surround yourself with a team of people who you like to work with, who are loyal, dedicated, and do outstanding work. Take your time to find the right person for your company who will help with the workload and grow your business. Be intentional about the hiring process. Write out exactly what kind of person you want on your team.

Taking time out to work on your business instead of in it is so challenging, but it’s worth every minute. Below are just a few of the many benefits:

1.       You begin to see your vision more clearly and create a plan to achieve your goals.

2.       You become more creative with solving problems after you have a chance to analyze and assess the situation (instead of making decisions in the moment which are usually short sighted and more of a band aid).

3.       You begin to build momentum, see the future, and lead you, your team, and your business towards success.  This is a much healthier and productive approach than head down, plowing through the day putting out fires, and feeling exhausted.

Take action today. Schedule some time, just 30 minutes, and plan, dream, and determine what needs to be done to move your business forward. Sometimes just starting is all you need to fuel the momentum to achieve your goals.  

ASAP Business Solutions may be able to help you get started. We offer bookkeeping and administrative assistance. Visit our website and let us know if we can help!
