Create a Comfortable Work Space

More and more people are working from home. Although working from home can be a great way to achieve a more balanced life between our work and personal lives, it can be a challenge. But as with any challenge met head on and with a plan, it can work and work well.  Here are a few suggestions for creating a productive and comfortable working environment.

1.       Create an ergonomic workstation. Your computer, desk, and chair should be ergonomic. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need new equipment. Adjust the height of your chair so your elbows are at desktop level and your wrists are straight.  Sit back into your chair and adjust the seat back for good lower back support.  Position the mouse to be as close as practical to the keyboard while keeping elbows under the shoulder. The computer should be at eye level.

2.       Use a headset. It will reduce the strain on your neck and shoulders if you need to type while on the phone. Headsets will eliminate outside noise allowing you to stay focused on your conversation.

3.       Use ambient and task lighting. Since task lighting is bright, it will help reduce eye strain. Ambient lighting can help create a calm, more relaxed space without glare which can help reduce headaches and tension. However, natural light is especially beneficial at improving mood, energy, alertness, and productivity. So, when possible, pull back the curtains and let the sun shine in.

4.       Personalize your office. Make your space reflect who you are and how you work. There’s no one piece of advice that will work for everyone. Take a few minutes to think of what kind of office would make you feel comfortable to be in for extended periods of time.  Some design elements in my office are pictures of family, minimalist furniture, curtains, art that makes me smile, and an essential oil diffuser that makes the office smell great. My office is functional, comfortable, and relaxing.

5.       Declutter your space. To help boost productivity, make sure you have a place to store your papers and other necessary items. Keep your desk as clear as possible of clutter. This will help you focus more on the task at hand and give you room to spread out if you need the surface area to be creative. Studies suggest that decluttering a space will help reduce anxiety.  

Bottom line: creating a space that reflects you and the way you work will help you feel relaxed, comfortable and productive. Take action now. The sooner you decorate, reorganize, and reconstruct your desk ergonomics to create your ideal work space, the sooner you’ll set yourself up to win.