Grow your Business

There are so many facets that are critical to starting, growing, and maintaining a business. Successful, thriving businesses have a lot in common. One segment of commonality is how they grow their businesses. As business owners, we make decisions all day, every day. But how we make those decisions and what criteria we base those decisions on matter greatly in the success of those decisions.

Here are some very basic fundamental action steps you can take to gain momentum and start winning. Know your vision. Creating a vision should be done in the very beginning stages of starting a business. If you previously created your vision, revisit it. Refine it, modify it, or change it if need be. Determine the company’s purpose.  Describe what success looks like for your company in 5 years, 10 years, and at retirement. Get detailed and creative.

Why is having a vision critical? Because when you have to make a decision, you can ask yourself, “Does this move me towards my vision or away from it?” When you routinely ask yourself this question, decision making becomes easy and it will give you forward momentum. 

Change the way you think about risk. An example would be making a large financial investment, like hiring.  Hiring is not only a large financial investment it is also a large commitment. Instead of seeing it as a risk, look at it like an experiment and start slowly. Hire a contractor for a few hours a week and slowly move forward, adding more time and delegating more tasks until you feel comfortable with your ROI.  

Build a cohesive team. To do this, you need to be an authentic leader. Make an investment in yourself to grow and be more effective with your team. Learn how to be a successful communicator. Focus on your team first then your customers. Give your employees purpose. Help them to learn more and grow with you.

These tips are just that, tips, but they will help you get started and move in the right direction. Take action today! For more strategies on how to grow your business, your team, and yourself as a leader, check out our blogs at